Sulphur Recovery Units

Sulphur Recovery Units (SRUs) have almost invariably been simulated using either (1) curve fits to plant performance data or (2) assumptions about reaction equilibria and approaches to equilibrium.  The curve fit approach is at least rooted in observed reality.  However, it suffers from several drawbacks, including:

  • Reliance upon measurements made on plants rarely at steady state and with measurements being subject to substantial random error, as plant measurements always are,
  • Inability to accurately quantify correlations by controlling one parameter at a time under plant conditions
  • Inability to extrapolate reliably to conditions outside the measured parameter window,
  • Use of curve fits that themselves may not extrapolate well outside the data range.

The second basis (approach-to-equilibrium) uses little or no knowledge of the engineering science of the various process steps.  This makes it something of a black-box approach with very limited applicability and poor reliability.  It is non-predictive and disqualifying it from being capable of predicting the real effect of changing process conditions.  OGT | SulphurPro® takes a radically different approach.

SulphurPro uses tried and tested, sound principles of engineering science to develop truly predictive unit operations block models for the SRU.  Learn more here about how the SRU in SulphurPro can be seamlessly integrated into upstream and downstream acid gas treating units for a full picture of the integrated operation. 

Conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer rate calculations are combined with catalytic reaction kinetics including diffusion rate limitations and catalyst poisoning to predict conversion in thermal reactors and catalytic converters, perform design and rating mode calculations on sulphur condensers, analyze sulphur pit performance, and assess the generation of pollutants in the incinerator.  Learn more here about the range of SulphurPro's unique capabilities.